Networking Server SysAdmin

File Traefik

Serve files securely via SFTP, HTTPS, and WebDAV with SFTPGo proxied behind Traefik with Docker.


That was a painless way to set up a powerful file server, right? It was also good, real-world practice for demonstrating how the Proxy Protocol works by using Traefik to answer for TCP connections. Thanks to the author of SFTPGo, Nicola Murino, for answering several questions that I had about SFTPGo.

See also

External links

  • Servers
    • Nextcloud: Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.
    • atmoz/sftp: Easy to use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) server with OpenSSH.
  • Clients
    • macOS: To access a WebDAV server from your Mac, use the Connect to Server command in the Finder.
    • Cyberduck: Libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows with support for FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox.
    • Mountain Duck: Cyberduck for mounting volumes in the file explorer. Mountain Duck lets you mount server and cloud storage as a disk in Finder on macOS and the File Explorer on Windows. Open remote files with any application and work like on a local volume.
    • Duck: Cyberduck for the command line interface (CLI). The universal file transfer tool duck which runs in your shell on Linux and OS X or your Windows command line prompt. Edit files on remote servers, download, upload and copy between servers with FTP, SFTP or WebDAV plus support for cloud storage Amazon S3 & OpenStack Swift deployments.
    • ForkLift: The most advanced dual pane file manager and file transfer client for macOS.
    • Transmit: Supports a number of protocols ranging from the more traditional ones like SFTP and WebDAV to cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox.
    • Rclone: Command line program to manage files on cloud storage. It is a feature rich alternative to cloud vendors’ web storage interfaces. Over 40 cloud storage products support rclone including S3 object stores, business & consumer file storage services, as well as standard transfer protocols.
  • Data At Rest Encryption
    • Cryptomator: Put a lock on your cloud. With Cryptomator, the key to your data is in your hands. Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service.
    • Rclone crypt: A remote of type crypt does not access a storage system directly, but instead wraps another remote, which in turn accesses the storage system.

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3 replies on “File Traefik”

I always get this error:
middleware “bastion-hosts@file” does not exist

How can I fix this?

May I ask if you could explain a bit what Index is used for and why you would want to redirect these requests to the web interface for administrators instead of the web interface for clients?

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